Are all items on Maxim Paris authentic?
Maxim Paris is an authorized global online retailer with the finest edit in luxury fashion and we value our close relationship with all the designers we offer. You can rest assured that all products on our website are authentic and delivered to us connected from the brands we stock.
Shipping policy
We ship worldwide with FedEx or DHL Express, depending on your location.
Once your order is placed, you will receive a confirmation tracking number within 3 business days. Shipping time will be 2-3 business days.
Returns and exchanges
All purchased items can be returned free of charge within 14 days of receipt – including reduced items. Please find more information about returning or repealing your purchase in the "Returns & Exchanges" section of our Customer Service pages
To initiate the return/exchange process, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Access the "My Area" section on our website.
Step 2: Sign into your account or enter your email address and order number.
Step 3: Select the item(s) you wish to return/exchange and complete the online application form.
Step 4: Upon submission, you will receive an email confirming receipt of your return/exchange request with an attached shipping label, and instructions for the return shipment.
How much does shipping cost?
We offer free shipping on all orders. However, if you prefer express shipping, it is available for an additional 15$.
Once shipped, your order is insured against theft and accidental damage. In the case of return items, you can insure your parcel by using the official return label provided in your original order. If your return parcel is picked up by one of our affiliate couriers, be sure to ask for a signed confirmation receipt. If you drop off your return at a parcel shop, also make sure to ask for a confirmation receipt.
For the fastest delivery, choose the "Express" shipping method during checkout.
Once your order leaves our warehouse, we will send you a shipping confirmation with a tracking number. With your tracking number, you can check the status of your order and estimated delivery time.
Depending on the country your order is being shipped to, Maxim Paris accepts various payment methods. We currently accept credit cards for all countries. You can find out more about which payment methods are accepted for your country in the "Payment" section of the Customer Service page.
Typically, your order will be shipped on the same day we receive your payment. You will then receive an order confirmation and we will update you when your order is packed, shipped, and on its way to you.
Typically, you will be refunded one business day after we have received your return. Kindly note it may take several business days for your refund to appear in your account, depending on the processing time of your bank or credit card provider. You will receive your refund on the payment method used for the original order. Alternatively, you can opt in to receive store credit for the refunded amount, which you can redeem on future Maxim Paris purchases. You can simply select your preferred refund option in our returns process. If you choose to receive store credit, it will automatically be sent to the email address saved to your Maxim Paris account.
You can create a new user account by hovering over "My account" at the top of any Maxim Paris webpage. A flyout window will appear. Then, simply click on "CREATE AN ACCOUNT" at the bottom of the flyout window. Alternatively, you can click on "My account" to be redirected to the account registration page.
All you need to provide to create your account is your name, email address, and a personal password. You can edit your personal information at any time. This information is confidential and will not be passed on to third parties.
You can change your password by hovering over "My account" at the top of any Maxim Paris page, or by clicking on "My account". Next, click on "Did you forget your password?" and enter your email address. Within a few minutes, you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.
You can order on Maxim Paris without creating an account. Simply check out without login. Once you are ready to check out, you will be forwarded to the sign-in page where you can select "PROCEED WITHOUT LOGIN". After you have entered your shipping and billing address, as well as your payment details, you will be asked to confirm your order. You can choose to uncheck the box marked "Create a user account using the information from this order" before confirming and completing your order.